Unit 01 and Unit 51 Overview

This blog serves as a purpose show off everything I have done for Units 01 and 51.

Unit 01 - Pre-production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries

Within Unit 01 I will discover and explore everything from learning about the different political parties and what their policies are. This goes down to which one I align with the most to going over their entire manifesto and what I agree with inside of it.

On top of this, I will also begin to expand on my own issues that I feel strongly about and wish to go over in a finer detail. Once the research is done, I will create a double page spread on the subject of what my issue is as well as a poster being against for the purpose of being persuasive as well as a web page for the article I have written.

Unit 51 - Page Layout and Design

For unit 51 we have to successfully identify and go over labelling various different terminology which is used in a newspaper or magazine and then go on to recreate our own magazine/newspaper layout having all of the correct terminology present in the design. For example, identifying a byline and standfirst in a pages layout.

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