Political Party Quiz

The results - 

The report –

From the results we can see that I mostly align to the Liberal Democrats party but also for the majority share the same views as the Conservatives and Labour party. Every other party listed below that, I don’t feel are worthy of being listed and named as they are marginally different to that of each other and distant from the top 3 political parties I most align with.

Scrolling down presents a list of summarized genres in which issues can be found as well as what party I side most with in these issues. This will help when writing up about an issue I agree with that the Liberal Democrats also agree with.

From this image you can see that I side with the Liberal Democrats on issues under the categories of social and educational issues. Within each category you can click and go further into, to discover what questions asked match to that of your highest percentage political party.

I clicked into Social and was presented with the questions asked under that category and my results compared to what political parties follow. These are the results:

The results show that I agree with the Liberal Democrats on issues such as –
  • Same sex marriage
  • Euthanasia
  • Capital Punishment
In which same sex marriage is most important to me.

From here, a potential idea for my own ‘What’s Your Issue?!” would be to go over the current issue of same sex marriages in the UK and why I believe they should be a thing.

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