Task 1 - What does it contain?

Everything present here is taken from the assignment brief for the purpose of creating a clear understanding and underlining of what is require and will be happening in the first task of this assignment.

Task 1 - Research and Pre-production
Deadline: 27th May 2016

Task Description: Pre-production, which mainly involves research and planning, is a vital ingredient of any successful media product. For example, the successful completion of a photographic fashion shoot for a magazine depends on locations, material and talent being available for the work to be undertaken. For this assignment you will need to demonstrate planning and research to create your final products detailed in task 2.

This must all be themed around ‘what’s your issue?’ and the issue that you will be tackling through this assignment. Your issue should be selected via your session tasks and researching political party policies. Clear and effective planning and research of your page layout and designs are important to ensure that the texts are effective in communicating the right message to the right audience in an efficient and professional manner.

Task 1 features:
  • A completed political party quiz with a report on the results
  • A poster advertising the political party that I aligned with the most
  • The anatomy of a magazine layout
  • History of protest research
  • Research on the party policies of the party I align with most
  • A written report on an issue I feel strongly about and why
  • The comparison of the different genres of a news paper (tabloid, broadsheet)
  • Project proposal for what my issue is and how i'm going to promote awareness
  • Research of good and bad magazine layouts
  • A poster detailing information about a specific visual language element
  • Page layout plans for my story - considering magazine layouts
  • Written research on my issue and why the information is useful
  • Planning of imagery which will accompany the written research and text

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