Social policy in the United Kingdom

Social policy is a term which is applied to the various areas of policy, usually within a governmental or political setting (such as the welfare state and study of social services).

  • List down 10 important human needs?
  • Explain the importance of these human needs?
  • Should government make these needs freely accessible
10 Important human needs –

The organised provision of medical care to individuals or a community.

This is important because healthcare allows us to receive help when we need it. Without healthcare, things such as disease, illness and injury wouldn’t be treated and the advancements we’ve made in today world where we are able to even print organs and necessary, vital parts for someone’s survival.

Healthcare should be freely accessible because everyone has a right to being treated for their problems. I think that some things should cost money and should be completely free but the ability to treat common illness for you and your children should be completely free regardless.

The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

To me, education is extremely important. It is also important to everyone born wherever they are. Education allows you to become a better person overall and sets you up for later life where you are able to work for your society and abide by the law. It is proven that those more educated are less likely to reproduce accidentally, less likely to break the law and less likely to be unemployed.

Education should be free up until a certain age is what I believe. Much like how the government currently handles it, I agree with their decisions. Currently education is free from the Nursery -> Primary school -> High School -> College (Up to a certain age) and this is where I’d draw the line. I agree with the tuition fees for places like university but not completely, I think university should be free for those that are unable to pay or afford for it and those with select disabilities but can still produce outstanding work.

Criminal Justice System
A set of agencies and processes established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate laws.

This one is pretty self-explanatory, the criminal justice system is in place because those who do wrong or cheat their way in life should be punished. People who also steal and take what is not theirs should punished as well as those who takes another person’s life. Without the criminal justice system, crime would run rampant… Places like shops would be constantly having their windows busted into and their shop contents taken as well as mugging and gun crime on the streets would hit an all time high.

This should be completely free because everyone deserves to feel safe in their own home and living space. People shouldn’t have to be scared as they walk down the road and someone else passes them and the same goes for a shopkeeper just trying to serve its customers and provide a valuable service to society.

The state of which someone does work and is paid for it.

Employment is what the world works around, you are employed, you make money and then you keep up to afford a living and place for yourself. Without people being employed, no one is working to serve you the consumer or provide service to the society. This is important because money and helping each other is what the world is based on, even if you stack shelves or test beds for a living.

Everyone should be able to seek employment and be considered for it, some candidates are better than others and will be chosen over people with less education for example, but everyone should be able to at least. I don’t agree employment only being accessible to those who have a certain amount of skills from education and think that even if you never went to school or are disabled but can maintain a stable mind, you should be able to apply and should still be considered.

Being equal with everyone else, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.

Without equality people are treated poorly, those of different religion or race would still be treated as they were not even 150 years ago. This is in place so that everyone is treated the same and no one is worse off because of something they can’t control. It is important in society because we’re all the same on the inside and it shouldn’t matter what class or race or religion or country of origin you are from.

Equality is free and should always be free because being a racist or bigot is just compensating for your lack of education and ignorance. This is why a petition received over 500,000 votes to ban Donald Trump from the UK because of how insensitive he is and his views towards those different from America. Like Freedom, equality should be free forever.

Where houses and flats are considered collectively.

Housing allows us to stay safe and have a place in which we will always come back to for comfort and living in. Because of this, it is extremely important in todays society, in our homes we can make food, eat, clean ourselves and take part in various leisure activities. Its all a part of living. Without housing and living under a roof of our own, the streets will be piled with people, sleeping and being dirty. This spreads infections, as well as cause outbreaks and riots on the streets.

Housing should be free to those who can afford it. There are ways in which this can be helped by banks etc, and there is always an option to rent instead of buying your own home. Those who are homeless in my eyes, either deserve to be if they have lost everything they had by an addiction to gambling or say drugs for example but those who have lost their homes to weather conditions, being kicked out unfairly or a fire/something along the lines of that, deserve to be given shelter and help. This is unfortunately where it becomes a grey area as determining why that person is homeless is almost impossible unless you ask. And even then, they could just lie to you.

Job Seekers
A person of which is unemployed and currently looking for work.

Job Seekers and people seeking for jobs is important as it keeps people getting into the working class and earning a living to sustain life and a family, etc… In society this plays an important role as when people retire, someone is needed to replace that job which is where the job seeker comes in.

This is free and should be completely, forever. We all have the right to look for a job, even if that means we don’t get accepted for it. Making it so you have to meet a certain requirement to be able to look for a job, makes it so certain individuals lives may be over before they even start, in the sense of how well they’ve done at school. Not everyone has an easy childhood and not everyone is able to get a proper education because of parental issues or choices of the parents, but that doesn’t mean they should be excluded completely.

The action of being protected, or the state of being protected.

Protection is important as it is the governments duty to make sure we live in safe place where we can assume but not rely on anything bad not happening. This ties into housing because a home is a way of protection from danger and also the criminal justice system as we should be protected against those who break the laws set in place.

How I feel about protection is the same as how I feel towards housing and if everyone should have accessibility to it. People who can afford to live under a roof, provide a service to society and keep in-line with the law deserve protection. Those who are on the streets because of their actions with alcohol abuse, drug abuse or gambling deserve what they get and do not deserve protection. This can be entirely because I am very anti drug and alcohol use as well as taking part in gambling, I also think of myself as generally selfish and ignorant towards the reason why people are in that state, but this is because of past experiences in family life.

The fact of being who or what a person or thing is.

Having your own identity and being recognised as an individual person in the masses is important because you deserve to be who you are and not labelled as something you might not be or might not want to associate yourself with. Without everyone having their own identity and all being seen as the same, we become sheep and it really just feels like brainwashing by those higher up when you think about. Having your own unique identity allows us as a person to be who we want to be.

Everyone is entitled to an identity and deserves the right to know who they are, what their purpose is and to form their own opinions instead of being spoon fed. Not being freely allowed your own identity shows a lack of life and makes everything boring. People are different for a reason, so why not embrace that?

The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.

Lastly I have decided freedom is my tenth important human need. Freedom and being able to speak and act within or think as you like is important as everyone deserves to have the right and ability to do as they wish when kept in line with the law. People shouldn’t have to follow the same life as everyone else and we should all able to live the life we like, again, in the constraints of following the law.

Freedom should be free for obvious reasons, its in the name of the word even. Those less fortunate still deserve a mind of their own and the ability to do what they want if they can and it abides by the law. There really isn’t that much more to say than that.

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